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People who make a difference O A M S

They are active in our community

Peterson Dezy

O rganization M edical Aide S ervice

Dezy Peterson

It is difficult to stand by when we know full well that people are in basic need. With passion and motivation, I want to use my knowledge to share humanly with others. I believe that we have the power to change circumstances through our actions, every little gesture counts to relieve the suffering of users.

Those involved in OAMS form a formidable team made up of several health professionals. They make several trips to provide care to sick people. Despite the good coordination of events, each day represents a challenge for the team. Sometimes we feel helpless due to lack of equipment, but we do what we need.

Our mission is above all to administer care for human health. In particular, our actions are supervised and supervised by experienced people. Our involvement will serve to enrich social and scientific knowledge to prepare other missions.

Mr. Dezy Peterson

Aspirant in Medicine

OAMS project manager in Haiti

Je m'implique pour faire la différence.

La force de l'équipe sur le terrain

Let me help you dear lady

  • Reassure sick people with empirical (medical) advice .

  • Assess and improve first aid needs.

  • Identify the psychological issues of each citizen encountered.

  • Make people aware of the precautions to take to maximize good physical and psychological health

  • Reinforce good lifestyle habits.

  • Raise awareness about the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene.

  • Frontline assistance

The OAMS medical consultation

A special thank you to 4C laboratory which helps us enormously in our activities.

Nous voulons aider nos semblables, parce que nous croyons dans la solidarité citoyenne. 

Social commitment is one of the great riches of humanity. Its importance is crucial for the advancement of communities, both socially and economically. Every individual should experience the art of getting involved in social causes of all kinds to make a difference. I sincerely believe in social development through popular education.

I underline the commitment and motivation of Mr. Dezy Peterson, who stands out for his participation in activities related to the areas of health, education, and assistance to the poor. An exemplary young man for Haitian society. He will get my support in this great surge of solidarity and mutual aid.

Congratulations to his team who say yes to making a difference.

Wilner Aurélus , social activist

The O A M S team


Let us help each other, because we have the courage to relieve the suffering of others. Our hard work never stops. We believe in the continuity of services on a regular basis. The OAMS operates all year round. Awareness is the key to making a difference.  

Saintasse Jovany S.

Logistics manager

Jefferson Virtues


Jean Isaac Gattuso


Dezy Peterson



Romain Jessica  


Dumornay Marie-ma

Public affairs manager

Dorilas Mirnsa


Vilneant Jefferson  

Vice coordinator

Ensemble nous utilisons nos connaissances pour venir en aide aux plus vulnérables. Notre engagement social découle d’un principe fondamental « Redonner aux suivants ». J’ai la conviction de marquer la vie de nos bénéficiaires.

Choose to move forward together to provide assistance

to people who are in need.

Medical care

Mobile clinic

Our only goal is to help others. We work in consultation with several teams in order to give the best of ourselves. Each person encountered is treated with respect for human dignity.


Si vous regardez cette page, vous être sans doute une personne sensible aux souffrances des autres. J’aimerais à titre d’engagé social vous informer que notre société est éprouvée avec toutes sortes de difficultés. Administrer les médicaments est une chose, mais les trouver est une autre affaire. N’hésitez jamais de faire la différence lorsque vous avez la possibilité de le faire.

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